On Sat, 19 Jan 2002, Chris Payne wrote:

> Hi there,
> I made some of the changes you said below, and when I check the query I get
> this:
> The query is SELECT distinct description, email, url, country, category,
> type, rating from search6 WHERE description LIKE '%word%'AND category =
> 'Automotive' AND country = 'Austria' AND type = 'Car Rental' ORDER BY
> description
> so to me it doesn't appear to be putting the array item in there, or am I
> wrong?  I am confused, thanks for your help.
> > You should probably be using:
> >
> >   $sql .= " description LIKE '%word%' OR "; # note the spaces

Missed this error the first time round. It should be:

  $sql .= " description LIKE '%$word%' OR "; # note the $!!

Jason Wong

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