
I have a windows 2000 Database Server with IBM DB2 V7.2 FP5
I have a linux web server with Apache/PHP

I installed IBM DB2 IMAGE Extender and enable my database for it.

Now I'm uploading a file to the server and I want to copy this file in the

I'm using the following script:

  $insOS="Insert Into $TableName ($FieldName1,$FieldName2)
s my image'));";

$userfile is the file uploaded by the user using an INPUT type=FILE

I received the following error:

Warning: SQL error: [IBM][CLI Driver][DB2/NT] SQL0443N Routine
"MMDBSYS.DB2IMAGE" (specific name "DB2IMAGEIMPORTF1") has returned an error
SQLSTATE with diagnostic text "Can't resolve import file. ". SQLSTATE=38686
, SQL state 38686 in SQLExecDirect in /svr/myfile.php

But if I have $userfile="C:\myimage.jpg";
it will work (of course if the file is present on the C drive...)

My question is How can I insert an image in the database without using its
file name ?
Can I directly send the image object to the database ?



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