I need a good suggestion as I've been a Microsoft ASP developer but now
getting more into PHP. It appears there are some issues about session
ID's, cookies, and passing data from an NT box to PHP running on a Linux

Would you folks reccommend I first stuff the data into the Linux box via
MySql (I currently have that working) and then when I pass a user from
the NT box into the Linux box, call that data from MySql to complete the
processing?  How well does holding a session ID work between NT and the
Linux box?

I was hoping to simply cookie the user while on the NT box and then
while on the Linux box using PHP call the cookied data. Do whatever
processing I need to do, then dump everything into MySql to complete
whatever it is that I have running.

Currently I found that I can pass smaller amounts of data via a link
with string as part of the link. 

Looking for suggestions.

Mike M.

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