would it be possible (not ideal, but might work) to do something like this;

 - user fills out form
 - user clicks submit
 - submit fires off 2 events, one submits to AFD server, the other opens a
new window, behind the current, submits certain values (the 3 new ones) and
saves them into the database. this window then automatically closes iteself
once finished
 - whatever happens at AFD then comes back to your next page where you pull
out the last values again and continue working with them

is that feasible for you?



// -----Original Message-----
// From: Dave Carrera [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
// Sent: Friday, 5 April 2002 3:11 PM
// Subject: [PHP-DB] saving details problem (big)
// Hi all
// I am making use of AFD postcode lookup application.
// What it dose is ask for your postcode and returns your address.
// You may have seen this around the web..
// Well my problem is that I have added 3 extra fields 
// Name, email, phone number
// And I need to save this info.
// I have tried sessions and cookies but have just noticed
// That the form action is a cgi file on the afd server. Thus this is
// stopping me
// Saving info.
// Any ideas on how I can save the info.
// I am in a back to the wall situation so any pointer and guidance is
// Most appreciated.
// P.S Had it work all fine and dandy when I added the extra info after
// postcode lookup but customer insisted he wants it this way round.
// Customers...
// (cant live with them, cant live without them...)
// Dave Carrera
// Php Developer
// http://davecarrera.freelancers.net
// http://www.davecarrera.com

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