
You may want to look over the system I am creating. It is for
neurobiology, but it uses categories. The URL
is http://brancusi.usc.edu/bkms
I am using both trees and colors.

Regarding your specific problem, you have to have an indexing table, which
will make the necessary relations between the different objects.


On Thu, 26 Sep 2002, Leif K-Brooks wrote:

> I'm trying to create a system to store virtual "objects".  Each object
> will be in a category, and the categories may be in other categories.
>  The categorie list might look something like:
> Food
>     Candy
>     Healthy Food
>         Vegeterian food
>         Organic food
>     Gross food
> I'm thinking of a datbase structure for the categorys something like:
> id (int, auto_inc, primary)
> name (text)
> insideof(int, id of other catrgory which this one is inside of)
> The problem is, I need to generate an indented list such as I showed
> before.  I know how to do this with a lot of colors (selecting what each
> category contains, etc.), but is there a more effieient way?  I use
> mysql.  Thanks for any ideas.
> --
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