what kind of stats are you storing - scores?
what fields do you need to store - these are necessary
to help you

start with the top and work your way down
- courses have name, location, holes, members etc.
- holes have par, distance,  blah
- members have blah, blah

You can add/remove fields later, dont let it put you
on hold. When you start solving your problems,
u=you'll find the best way to do it.

I haven't thought this through, but here's how i'd
start table 'pars'

id   | course_id | hole_id | par_name | par | distance
 1   |    1      |    1    |  red     |  4  |  400
 2   |    1      |    1    |  white   |  4  |  410 
 3   |    1      |    1    |  blue    |  5  |  430


--- Doug Parker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm about to embark on a project where I have to
> enter many, many fields 
> into a MySQL database, and I don't know how to
> approach the database 
> structure.  The data is statistics for a golf
> course.  There are 18 
> holes, and each hole has a Red Tee Par, White Tee
> Par, and Blue Tee Par, 
> which is 54 inputs already (18 x 3).  Then, there
> are about 5 more 
> statistics I have to keep for each hole, making the
> total amount of 
> inputs 144 (18 x 8).  There's about 7 more fields
> pertaining to the 
> Course name, location, etc.  How the heck do I
> approach this?  I've 
> successfully done relational databases before, but
> not to this scale. 
> Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I should
> approach this?
> I attached a .jpg of the form I'm using to input,
> just to clarify things.
> Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated...
> -- 
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