The grid for each course looks like this (excluding CourseName, State, County,
Street, City, State)

            Hole1 | Hole2 | Hole 3 | ......... | Hole18
Par          9          4            7     ..........       6
WH         8          4            4     ..........       5
MH         5          4            4     ..........       5
Tees1      4          4            3     ..........       5
Tees2      3          3            2    ..........        5
Tees3     etc...

For every course, I have to enter in all of these variables.  It isn't really
keeping score, it's just a table of all the information for a given course -
par, wh (women's handicap), mh, etc.  What i did was pretty much make a table
for every row.  Each table (par, for example) has a course_id that I set in the
courses table (that holds the CourseName, State, County, Street, City, State),
and then 18 more fields - one for each hole.  So it looks like:

"par" table
            course_id | Hole1 | Hole2 | Hole 3 | ......... | Hole18
                 165         4          4            5     ..........       3

Is that alright?  it was the most reasonable thing I could think of, but i'm
not too experienced in database design, so i figured i'd ask.

Thanks, Doug

Stas Trefilov wrote:

> Doug Parker wrote:
> > I'm about to embark on a project where I have to enter many, many fields
> > into a MySQL database, and I don't know how to approach the database
> > structure.  The data is statistics for a golf course.  There are 18
> > holes, and each hole has a Red Tee Par, White Tee Par, and Blue Tee Par,
> > which is 54 inputs already (18 x 3).  Then, there are about 5 more
> > statistics I have to keep for each hole, making the total amount of
> > inputs 144 (18 x 8).  There's about 7 more fields pertaining to the
> > Course name, location, etc.  How the heck do I approach this?  I've
> > successfully done relational databases before, but not to this scale.
> > Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I should approach this?
> > I attached a .jpg of the form I'm using to input, just to clarify things.
> >
> > Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated...
> >
> table could look like this:
> hole_no, rtp, wtp, btp, stat1, stat2, stat3, stat4, stat5
> -------  ---  ---  ---  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----
> 1
> 2
> 3
> .
> .
> .
> 18
> what is Course name, location, etc?

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