At 01:22 18/4/2001, Stig Sæther Bakken wrote:
>I'm replying to another message you sent where you say you fail to see
>the advantages.  Well, the advantage is that when you free the PHP
>core from the release cycle of all the extensions, doing PHP releases
>will become less complex, the QA process is broken down into smaller,
>more manageable tasks.

As I said, I don't think this is necessarily a good thing with the popular 
extensions.  It's a great thing with the 'moving targets' or with the 
not-too-popular extensions, but keeping the release cycle of modules like 
MySQL, XML, regex, etc. in sync with the PHP release is a good thing in my 
opinion.  Most people will only be bothered to upgrade their PHP 
installation when there's a whole new release that's out.

>Also, it makes the development cycles of the core and extensions more
>free: if Thies wants to do some heavy surgery on the oci8 extension
>adding support for Oracle 15, he doesn't have to wait until the
>"now-in-RC" PHP is released, he can just go ahead and code knowing
>that the PHP release will ship with the latest version of the OCI
>extension that he labelled as stable.

Well, that's true, but I think that PEAR isn't really the solution to the 
fact that CVS has sucky branches (which would have been the right solution 
for this problem :)

>We won't end up with no extensions but ext/standard in PHP, but I
>think we should be offensive about taking them out unless they are
>very tightly integrated with PHP, and unless the maintainers object.
>The only ones I can think of that are this integrated must be
>"standard", "bcmath" and "session".

At least I get to keep MySQL and PostgreSQL in :)


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