Hi All,

This has been an interesting discussion to follow all day, and it sure took the focus 
away from my ordinary work for quite some time :-)

If we all could think before sending mails and perhaps wait a while before reacting 
emotional I think threads like this could be avoided. Many of the developers on this 
list do have english as there native language. This often leads to a message beeing 
read in an other way than it was intended by the sender.

We all have different technical backgrounds, different interests and different ideas 
on where PHP is going. That is very healthy for the development of PHP, and it will 
cause some discussions from time to time, but lets all try hard to keep it on a 
technical level.

- Frank

>       Zeev: I understand your frustration. I really do. There have
> been times when just about EVERYONE in the PHP Group has shocked me, or
> made me, to be honest, wonder if I even belong here. I'm often afraid to
> ask question, simply because I'm a self-taught coder...I didn't even
> graduate from High School! Because of that, I hestiate to address
> certain things with you, or Andi, or Sascha, because you can all tend to
> be a bit abrasive.
>       Yes, you seem to have improved, for the most part. Sascha
> hasn't. So what, really, should be done about it? The only resolution,
> IMHO, is the one all of us have to take when addressing any of the PHP
> Group...be patient, and realize that there are going to be clashes.
>       Sascha: You can be a bit abrasive. I'd be terribly surprised if
> others had not mention this to you. Perhaps it would not be quiet so bad
> to rethink sometimes, before you push that Send button (or keystroke, or
> whatever?) If not for yourself, think about the good of the
> project....things like this take everyone's time away from what we
> REALLY love...

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