At 19:16 17-08-01, Stanislav Malyshev wrote:
>ZS>> I consider E_NOTICE as a basic element of good programming
>ZS>> practices.  Unlike register_globals, which simply begs for
>ZS>> security bugs to
>Actually, I fail to see why it is so. Let's see two code snippets:
>if($arr['foo']) { ... do something ... }
>if(isset($arr['foo']) && $arr['foo']!=false) { ... do something ... }
>Both have the same function, but the first generates E_NOTICE. Why the
>first is bad programming practice? How many PHP users would really prefer
>the second over the first?

This is one case in which there's no added value to E_NOTICE - in your 
example, you explicitly don't care whether the variable exists or 
not.  There are many cases in which there is an added value in 
E_NOTICE.  For example:

for ($i=0; $i<100; $i++) {
         $sum += sth()

print "The total some is $total";

True, a dumb programming error (it can get more complex), but an E_NOTICE 
would have caught in a second.  I think that in the post register_globals 
era it'll usually not help uncover security bugs, but it improves code 

>ZS>> kind of suggestion.  That's why I think that adding it to the
>ZS>> php.ini-recommended is a good first step.
>However, it would make average PHP code to output tens of warnig, which
>would be annoying and would hardly be useful in many cases.

I agree.  I'm saying that it's a difficult call.

>ZS>> While we're at it, I think that we should also take another
>ZS>> recommendation from the advisory that brought this mess upon us
>ZS>> - and turn URL fopens off by default.
>Well, generally I personally would even go further and make two functions
>- one for file-only fopen (about 90% of fopen usage?) and another which
>would open everything and the kitchen://sink. Or make some switch, etc. -
>configuration option doesn't seem to me fit here, it's not per-server but
>per-script property if you want URL fopens or not.

You can set any INI entries using ini_set() for a particular script.  I 
think adding new functions is messy - too many functions in PHP support 
opening URLs (because they're built on top of fopen-wrappers).


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