Did it occur to you that people who *DON'T* use gettext() frequently 
have to maintain the code of those who do, and that _() isn't going to
make one lick of sense to them?

On Fri, 7 Sep 2001, Chuck Hagenbuch wrote the following to Joey Smith :

> Quoting Joey Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > No, I haven't, but let me get this straight:
> > 
> > You're saying that if something is a bad idea, that the more often it is
> > used, the "less bad" [1] it becomes?
> Uh, no. I was just pointing out that it's been around for a long time, and is 
> used in a lot of code. Like Ken said, breaking it - many years later - for 
> language elegance seems rather unproductive. If it were up for inclusion now, 
> it'd be a completely different story. The _reason_ backwards compability is a 
> pain in the ass is that sometimes you have to put up with things like this 
> because they get entrenched.
> Also, I asked if the people bashing it had used gettext just because I'd 
> imagine that people who had used a feature would have a better idea on whether 
> or not it is obscure or useful.
> -chuck
> --
> Charles Hagenbuch, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Some fallen angels have their good reasons.

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