> Sebastian Bergmann wrote:
>>   and the fact that the source is licensed under the GPL.
> which is not a bad thing in the first place but needs 
> an additional statement that you give special permission
> with php and especially the zend engine as these are not yet
> compatible with the gpl

The extension should not be GPL. I will change that right now.
> if the software you based your extension on is under the
> gpl too, then the copyright holder of that piece of software
> has to give the same permission, otherwise it is currently not
> really possible to legaly distribute the extension, at least
> not as part of the php repository itself

The Library is licensed under the Library version of the GPL which should be
OK. If that is not good enough I will write an exception for PHP as Zend

> the situation might be looked at differently when you publish
> your code as a standalone extension (and one might argue that
> even including the source into the php source itself is ok
> as long as you do not distribute binaries that have it 
> compiled in)
> but right now php does not provide any extensions that rely
> on GPLed software (ext/readline will now work with BSD code to)
> and IMHO we should not allow any new GPL issues sneak in unless
> we have eventualy solved the license incompatibility issues

LGPL should be enough, shouldn't it?

My objective here is to contribute a neat functionality to PHP. I don't want
a religeous war over licenses. Tell me what you want and I'll do it. OK?

> -- 
> Hartmut Holzgraefe  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://www.six.de  +49-711-99091-77
> -- 
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