On Wed, 21 Nov 2001, Sterling Hughes wrote:

> > So imagemagick would be less popular than, say, Ovrimos, YAZ(eesh),
> > SESAM, Crédit Mutuel CyberMUT...
> >
>       no, I don't remember saying these belonged in PHP's CVS,
>       they are there for a large part imho legacy reasons and laziness
>       (ie, not enough bitching when they were proprosed).

ok, I give up ;) You're right, if you say, that not sooo many extensions
should be in the core php4 distribution. It makes the Release process
somehow complicated... But unfortunately the pear-framework is at the
moment not very sophisticated for handling traditional php-extension. But
I will put some of my effort into that and hope the pear-folks will agree


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