> I am fairly sure that someone will come up with the wish to make
> the {}'s surrounding the name of the template tag configureable.
> You may be tempted to provide a PHP function
> template_set_braces()
> or something like that to implement this. Don't.

This is already done in tmpl_open() function. You may pass an array with
template tag delimiters and context name.

> Finally, do NOT implement conditionals or loops. If you give in to
> anything that resembles control structures, you'll end up creating
> a turing complete language. This will sooner or later become a PHP-
> within-PHP and you'll want to avoid this at all cost. Conditions and
> loops must always be part of the controlling PHP code, never be part
> of the template. If a particular application does lend itself well
> to this kind of structure, then this particular applicastion maybe
> isn't properly structured for templates to be useful. Use pure PHP
> then.

Agree. That's exactly what I've been thinking.
Actually, I believe that functionality that we have now, is enough for
almost any kind of task when working with templates.

If you don't want a tag to appear, just do not assign any value to it.
I suppose, we can consider this as the simplest conditional, so there's no
need for anything else.


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