> > I thought PHP has something to do with Open Source Community, but it's
> > like a Personal Closed Project.
> Where did you get this idea from?

>From this thread. Two posts "let's add this" and like two thousand "don't
even think about this!". Especially ones from the concurent developer.
That's just funny, not more. :)

> > I don't complain. If you read my messages carefully, you won't find a
> > word like "include my module to the main CVS tree now!" or anything
> > like that. I'm NOT asking for nothing. I have just put in public a
> > piece of my code for everyone could use it. Do I have to write the
> > previous sentence in upper case for everyone understood this? :)
> No, and I know you didn't say "include my code with PHP". Other people
> starting saying it, though.

At least I realized that I made something which other people would need.
This means I may continue my work on the subject.

> > There's no any secret that the code $str_val = "sometext $str_variable
> > sometext"; will be executed _much_ slower than the $str_val =
> > "sometext".$str_variable."sometext"; but the latter structure is being
> > in almost 50% of template engines!
> Thankfully, mine doesn't. :)
> > That would be OK to use it in any class of software but extreme one.
> > Under the term "extreme software" I assume the code which should be
> > executed in the fastest possible manner and should consume less
> > possible resources. Any template engine is an extreme software and
> > should be really fast. This is the rule.
> That's the idea. Monte and I are always thinking about ways to make
> Smarty faster. Even now, as we speak, we are discussing a way to make it
> so that the main chunk of Smarty code is not loaded if you need to
> display a cached file.

You're taking it too personally. As a person with important role in such a
project like PHP, you have to be more objective.

> > Another issue is the PHP code. Everytime we call a page, we need to
> > all PHP libraries it includes. It requires some time. So, less PHP code
> > have to parse, faster page we have. Isn't that right? With internal
> > extension you have no code to parse, so it will be faster than anything
> > written in PHP apriory. And again don't tell me about Zend Cache! PHP
> > have its own possibilities to work faster.
> C extensions are not a panacea. I seriously think that if Smarty was
> initially written in C, it would be much less successful than right now.
> Why? Because it is much easier to prototype and develop things in PHP
> than in C, and because you get more people who understand the code and
> can contribute patches and enhancements. If it was in C, then I'd pretty
> much be the only developer. That is not to say that certain portions of
> Smarty couldn't be rewritten in C for optimization, perhaps they could.

There are projects where perfomance is very important and, they can not
afford to use definetly slow things. And writing whole project in C is not
an acceptable solution.

> > So, why noone wants to participate in creating something really good and
> > fast? I have started this project, but that doesn't mean you can not
> > contribute to it making it better. The current API is good. There's no
> > to change it in future.
> Please. The history is all too full of sayings like, "640k should be
> enough for everybody". Don't make the same mistake.

Even if it will grow up too high, this won't be a problem since the
perfomance will stay good.

> > So, we only could add new things to it, and improve what is already
> > done. Let's make it better and better untill we can say "Yes, sir.
> > This module could be called a standard".
> That is the problem, different people will want different things to be
> standard. As you've probably heard: the great thing about standards is
> that there are so many to choose from.

Following this, adding a new standard will not change anything, will it?

> > In conclusion, my purpose is to create a really fast template engine and
> > will do this. I am not a "new school" 15 y/o kid who has just read a
> > about PHP yesterday and today starts to send his code everywhere,
> > you are. I've got enough years of experience to be sure that I will
> > the job and will get a better solution. If you want to use it too, you
> > the place where you can get it. It's free. I earn $$$ on other things.
> No need to get defensive, you haven't been called names and your
> programming skills haven't been called into question. You simply touched
> a sensitive topic.

That is the problem. I wouldn't say a word if I was told that the code is
bad and I had no idea about how to improve it. But when they say "It's all
sh.. er.. bad" just because I "touched sensitive topic", that pisses off,

best whishes

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