ID: 14339
Updated by: hholzgra
Old Status: Closed
Status: Assigned
Bug Type: Documentation problem
Operating System: irrelevant
PHP Version: 4.1.0
Old Assigned To: 
Assigned To: hholzgra
New Comment:

ok, i'm not able to read (or write the url for) my own pages :(

but the function *is* there and is something similar, but not  identical, to parse_url



there is documentation for it in the manual source (and has been for ages), its in 
en/functions/string.xml, right between functions ord() and print(), but for some 
strange reason it does not show up in the online manual

right now i'm rebuilding a html manual from scratch on my local machine to further 
investigate this ...

Previous Comments:

[2001-12-04 11:31:53] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Both functions are documented, parse_str() and parse_url().


[2001-12-04 11:18:51] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It's not in the manual. It's called parse_url. SO not a bug in the first place :)


[2001-12-04 11:14:41] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This function is documented in the PHP Manual. You can verify this if you use your 
function tables at It seems that the links at are broken.


[2001-12-04 10:12:15] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

you are right, it is undocumented yet ...


[2001-12-04 09:56:33] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This is simple.

I know that the function "parse_str()" exists in PHP3 and PHP4.  It is supposed to 
parse a query string (of the style that is placed after a '?' on a url) and assign 
variables based on that string.

Anyway, it doesn't seem to exist on your website, and I've used that function many 


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