
These are not my tests but Doug's. He compiled default so --debug
and --inline-optimization not kicking in. Startup cost also counted, but he
tried to run long enough to amortize that.

n was 16.

perl code was something like this.
# $Id: nestedloop.perl,v 1.2 2000/12/30 21:42:57 doug Exp $

use strict;

my $n = ($ARGV[0] > 0) ? $ARGV[0] : 1;
my $x = 0;
my $a = $n;
while ($a--) {
    my $b = $n;
    while ($b--) {
        my $c = $n;
        while ($c--) {
            my $d = $n;
            while ($d--) {
                my $e = $n;
                while ($e--) {
                    my $f = $n;
                    while ($f--) {
print "$x\n";

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