Daniel Lorch wrote:
> it would be nice to see PHP w and w/o ZEND competing against each
> other.

Zend what?
I'd like to see it with/without ZendAccelerator.

> absolutely *no* reasonable
> programmer will ever use PHP to calculate prime numbers or fractals
> (maybe with mathematical extensions, but not with raw PHP code).

Perl and the like are used a lot in bio-informatics, and they are 
Even in CPU-intensive areas, ease of development can be important.

> face it: PHP is "just" a layouting engine. it collects data from
> different sources, gives it the final polish (formatting) and outputs
> it. nothing more. and YES it's a very feature-rich layouting engine
> and an excellent one, too.

PHP is a general-purpose language aimed at web-applications. That's 
more than just layout. A lot more.


Cynic, n.: A blackguard whose faulty vision sees things as they are,
not as they ought to be. 
   -- Ambrose Bierce, "The Devil's Dictionary"

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