ID: 8142
Updated by: lobbin
Old Status: Open
Status: Feedback
Bug Type: InterBase related
Operating System: Linux 2.2.17
PHP Version: 4.0.3pl1
New Comment:

Do you still experience this problem on PHP 4.1.1?

Previous Comments:

[2000-12-06 16:40:03] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If I exit() or die() from within a method, a begun transaction is
automatically COMMITTED(!) and I get wierd errors in the http error

    class InterBaseFailure {
    var $dbh;
    var $trh;
    function InterBaseFailure() {
        $this->dbh = ibase_pconnect( "ibase/outerdb.gdb", "web", "pass"
        $this->trh = ibase_trans( IBASE_DEFAULT, $this->dbh );
    function Save( $num ) {
        ibase_query( $this->trh,  "insert into dummy values ($num)" );
        // now, if we exit() from here either directly or indirectly
        // there's a mess with the transaction handles. I get:
        // a) an error in the httpd log
        //    "x is not a valid InterBase link resource
        // b) A COMMITTED CHANGE!!!!!
    $t = New InterBaseFailure();
    $t->Save( 3 );


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