ID: 15110 Updated by: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Reported By: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Status: Open Bug Type: Documentation problem Operating System: Linux PHP Version: 4.1.1 New Comment:
=7 Well, it still stores the session-keys as files when they´re empty, just not when I want it in a table. I use this to differ my sites sessions from other sites on the server and I when I had all sessions(empty or not) in a table I used it for "right" now stats. Now I get empty session as files with the session key as name and the sessions with data in my table. This makes it impossible for me to count how many sessions belong to my site because I'm not the only one using the server. So WHY are empty sessions stored as files and full sessions as files when I store them as files BUT when I store the sessions in a table I get the empty ones in files, along with the other sites', and the sessions with variables which belong to my site, turn up in the table as they're supposed to. I WANT all the sessions in ONE place... =( *going back to 4.0...* Previous Comments: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [2002-02-06 19:58:30] [EMAIL PROTECTED] I would say it's a design. As you said, it does not make any sense store session does not have any value. I make this report to documentation problem, since this behavior is better to be documented. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [2002-02-06 15:32:04] [EMAIL PROTECTED] Do any of the PHP developers know if this is intended behavior? It sounds like something that might have been "improved" since sessions were first introduced, so the unnecessary overhead of storing session information with no associated data was removed. It sounds like a good idea to me (the current implementation). Anyway, this bug is still listed as feedback and needs to either be closed or reopened. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [2002-01-19 08:03:11] [EMAIL PROTECTED] Register_globals is on. This is what it used to be: session_start() registered the session so I could see it even if it's included no data(no registered variables). When I say see, I mean that if i looked in the table I use for writeing the seesions I saw the key, the expiry and no value. NOW: session_start() gives the visitor a key but it doesn't register the key in my sessions teable unless I register a variable to the session. A bit clearer? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [2002-01-18 22:19:00] [EMAIL PROTECTED] What do you mean "no value"? Empty string? NULL? FALSE? Are you using $HTTP_SESSION_VARS/$_SESSION? or globals? Is register_globals on? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [2002-01-18 21:34:18] [EMAIL PROTECTED] Apache session_start() doesn't save the session unless it holds any data. I've just upgraded from 4.0.4pl1. It used to register all session even if they only included a key and no value(data). Maybe it's a feature but it sure messes my stats-scripts... =/ Get back to me with what you need. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Edit this bug report at -- PHP Development Mailing List <> To unsubscribe, visit: