On Sat, 2 Mar 2002, Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:

>> At 08:03 AM 3/2/2002 -0800, Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:
>> > > >If the system also has a /usr/lib/libgd.so then as of 4.2.0 the -lgd is
>> > > >picking up this shared library.
>> > > >
>> > > >I suppose the only way around this is to use a full path to the static
>> > > >library in the link line instead of -lgd.  Does a full path library link
>> > > >work for a shared library as well?  I didn't think it did.
>> > >
>> > > Nope it doesn't but you can use -L/path/to/shared_lib and then -lgd.
>> >
>> >I don't think a -L/path is going to override the LD_LIBRARY_PATH though
>> >for a shared library.
>> No it doesn't for loading. I thought you were talking about the build
>> itself. I think there's a way to embed the actual LD_LIBRARY_PATH in the
>> binary but I forgot how :)
>You can with -R, but that doesn't solve this problem.  I don't want to
>remove /usr/lib from the link path.
>The problem really is that when you give configure a path to some specific
>place for a static library, but you also have that library as a shared
>library in /usr/lib things get messy because we do the configure check
>against the located static library explicitly, but then we do a

    Actually, we check for both static and shared:

    for i in lib/gd1.3 lib/gd lib gd1.3 gd ""; do
       test -f $j/$i/libgd.$SHLIB_SUFFIX_NAME -o -f $j/$i/libgd.a && GD_LIB=$j/$i

>-L/specific/place -lgd which ends up linking in the different shared
>library from /usr/lib.  It isn't just for GD this happens, it just so
>happens to be more common for people to have two copies of GD.

    What is the problem actually? I have two copies, one in /usr/lib
    and one in /www/gd-1.8.4/lib and I haven't noticed any problems..


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