On Wed, Mar 13, 2002 at 12:52:30AM -0800, Daniel Ceregatti wrote : 
> Well, this leaves one question: Should I even bother passing the sql 
> statement? Presumably, the developer will have access to the sql 
> statement in the script/class already, so the offset _should_ suffice. 
> This is actually what I originally implemented, but I thought I'd go the 
> extra kilometer and add the sql with the bold red HTML/asterisk in it. :)

    Putting the sql statement into it is just fine; don't remove
    it as I think it's a goothing [tm]. The 'offset' being
    available is even more better.

> I'll grab the latest CVS and produce a unified diff that only adds the 
> offset.


    - Markus

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