On Sun, Mar 24, 2002 at 03:04:18PM +0100, Marcus Börger wrote : 
> I do not think it is a good idea to have many 'special ways' in cLI.
> Such as always registering argc/argv we have already. For me
> i would more likly have a special section in php.ini to set all this.

    You don't seem to undertand. CLI _is_ special. It lives in
    another environment then the apache/cgi SAPI does.

    How come you think treating the CLI version the same is a
    good idea when they in fact have to work under very different
    environments/conditions ?

    Would you EVER expect a bash/perl/awk/sed/python/nameit
    script by >default< only run a certain amount of time, namely
    it's maximum execution time ? Certainly not.

> marcus
> example *default* section:
> [CLI]
> register_argc_argv = On
> max_execution_time = Off
> memory_limit = Off
> engine = Off
> zlib.output_compression = Off
> safe_mode = Off
> display_errors = On
> display_startup_errors = On
> html_errors = Off
> default_mimetype =
> default_charset =

    The problem is, as long as you do not have such a
    configuration file, you're really lost. when you install PHP,
    the ini file is NOT installed. And, it can and I make you a
    pledge it will confuse people.

    I think you just have to live with that the CLI version is
    different and therefore needs to be handled different in some
    aspects (which in fact are required to truly make use of it).

    - Markus

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