I have built my extention for php4. There is not any error during compiling.
PHP4 can work when I use "php -f test.php". So I try to install it to my
Redhat7.2 system with apache.All my operation is followed:
(after compile the php4)
./killall httpd

./configure --enable-mymodule --with-apax=/usr/sbin/apxs --with-config-file-


./make install

cp php.ini-dist /etc/php.ini

(start apache again)

The test.php file likes this:
echo my_func()
the func "my_func" only return "hello world". but when I access it by
IE(another pc),I got "fatel error: undefined func....."

And I use "phpinfo()" to test. I found the new version has been installed
but not support my module. And the configure section show it has "enable" my
module. Why????

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