Simon Fogg wrote:
> That's o.k.- I'm just grouchy. There seems to be so much information to wade
> through to find out what you need to know.
> Since we are on the subject though, and you have already done this sort of
> thing before, can you tell me whether extensions are supported on MacOSX. My
> Mac colleague is off sick today and since I am looking at finding a fairly
> X-Plaform solution to our problem, I thought it would be beneficial if I
> could find out whether the same solution could be used on a Mac.

I don't see why not provided you are able to compile PHP. As long as you
can compile PHP your extension "should" compile into a Mac native binary.
All you should need to do is create wrapper functions around your current
library to make them accessible via PHP in your extension. If you're like me
you will compile this directly into the PHP binary itself, and then I don't
think you will need any other binaries. Alternatively, since you are
comparing this to window's DLLs I think you can compile as a shared library,
but I don't know much about that route and wouldn't advise it since as
far as I know it runs like CGI.

| Robert Cummings |
| Webdeployer - Chief PHP and Java Programmer  |
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