On Sat, 18 May 2002, Lukas Schroeder wrote:

> On Sat, May 18, 2002 at 10:05:32AM -0400, Rob Richards wrote:
> > I have been going through the latest domxml extension and have a few
> > questions about it.  Looking at the docs, it is indicated that
> > set_content and get_content are depreciated.
> >
> > set_content - Create a new node with e.g. DomDocument_create_text_node() und
> >      add it with DomNode_append_child().
> > get_content - Content is just a text node and can be accessed with
> >      DomNode_child_nodes().
> >
> > Would get_content really be replace with node_value? All the child_nodes
> > would give you is the child nodes.
> the contents of an element-node are contained in a child-node of that
> element-node with the special node-name "#text". using child_nodes would
> give you these contents. but, without a get_content() (get_node_value())
> function there is no way to get the nodeValue (content) of the "#text"
> node. hehe.
> i hope, that deprecating or even removing a get_content() function (or
> an equivalent) wont happen, because i definately dont want to replace
> entity-references in contents manually.
> the purpose of get_content() was and is to do that for me.

yep. i agree. Making domxml w3c-compliant doesn't mean for me removing all
the other not-w3c-compliant functions. I don't see any sense in removing
this sometimes very handy functions. I'm not sure, why these functions are
markes as deprecated in the manual...

> > On that note, if you are trying to set the value of an existing node, using
> > the replacement (as indicated from the docs) you would should be creating a
> > new node and appending it, which means you then should remove the old node.
> > Shouldnt there be a set_node_value or similar function to just replace the
> > content of an existing node? A set_node_value function would be DOM
> > compliant as the nodeValue property is read/write according to the specs.

but that doesn't help you anything. nodeValue of an element node does not
carry the content of this element (IIRC). nodeValue of a textnode does on
the other side..


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