> I guess when it comes to maturity, all available implementations in
> language still have a long way to go.

Is there anything can maybe be pulled from SOAP::Lite or do they have
similar issues?

Best regards,
Lukas Smith
 DybNet Internet Solutions GbR
 Reuchlinstr. 10-11
 Gebäude 4 1.OG Raum 6 (4.1.6)
 10553 Berlin
 Tel. : +49 30 83 22 50 00
 Fax  : +49 30 83 22 50 07
 www.dybnet.de [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Markus Wolff [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2002 3:29 PM
> Subject: Re: [PEAR-DEV] SOAP, XMLRPC and WSDL
> Am Thu, 23 May 2002 14:57:45 +0200 schrieb "Lukas Smith"
> > What is the current status in terms of SOAP, XMLRPC and WSDL in php?
> >
> > How mature are the solutions?
> > When will they be ready for primetime?
> > Does anyone already use them in production (that can be used to show
> > how great the support is) or are there any other prominent examples?
> > know the pear installer uses XMLRPC and Sebastian did something with
> > Googles Webservices)
> We´ve been trying to make a PEAR::SOAP webservice talk to a VB.NET
> client. It does work very well when you stick to passing most
> datatypes around: Strings, Integers, Floats, Booleans ...
> It stops being fun when you´re trying more complex structures like
> resultsets from SQL-Queries. Those could be represented and passed via
> SOAP as two-dimensional arrays, and in theory you could either use a
> loosely typed two-dimensional array or an array of struct to represent
> that data in the VB.NET client - but we did not yet manage to make the
> client recognize and deserialize the SOAP data from the PHP script.
> I have not the slightest idea where to start looking. I´ve read tons
> articles on SOAP and WSDL, but all in all, the quality of
> on this topic sucks.
> PEAR::SOAP itself is as good as undocumented (at least the server
> and the documentation for .NET webservices mostly talks about
> an ASP.NET webservice to a C# or VB.NET client. When it comes to
> SOAP calls to a client/server on another software platform, or even if
> you just want to use SOAP-RPC encoding instead of the default
> Document/Literal encoding that .NET does, the documentation is very
> uncomplete.
> Thing is, you _have_ to use SOAP-RPC encoding because PEAR::SOAP does
> not yet support Document/Literal (in fact, Microsoft seem to be the
> ones who use this encoding method by default or even fully support
> I guess when it comes to maturity, all available implementations in
> language still have a long way to go.
> Regards,
>   Markus
> --
> *21st Media*    | Consulting, Konzeption, Produktion für die Bereiche:
> Markus Wolff    | Internet, Intranet, eCommerce, Content Management,
> Hamburg,Germany | Softwareentwicklung, 3D-Animation, Videostreaming
> http://21st.de  | Tel. [+49](0)40/6887949-0, Fax: [+49](0)40/6887949-1

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