
On Thu, May 30, 2002 at 10:06:50AM +0300, Marko Karppinen wrote : 
> Dan:
> > If we start down this path of bundling external projects, why don't we
> > just bundle every external project PHP supports to make it the easiest?
> > This is just an absurd notion to bundle an actively developed/maintained
> > piece of code.  The headaches it will introduce are not worth the minor
> > benefit.
> I think the solution would be to allow PECL to optionally fetch the
> libraries an extension depends on, quite like FreeBSD ports.
> It is exactly as much work as bundling them altogether, of course,
> but at least we avoid the impact on our distribution size.

    Honestly I see this being a point beyond the task of PECL.
    There are too many things which can get fucked up (I just see
    a secenery where someone accidantly installs libxml2 through
    PECL though he has it in the system but in a non-standard
    path). Really, this does not belong to PECL by all means.

    - Markus

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