
 I think we are split in two about what to do here. Ill try and list the
different ideas that have been proposed.

1) don't include at all
   No need to worry about auto install or filesize.
   Forces people to install themselves.

2) trim down libxml and put in cvs
   Build outta the box. Makes php to build without having to download extra
libaries for highly used extension like domxml. Since domxml requires a newer
version of libxml than most people have it requires them to go an install it
before buiding php.
   People feel that maintaing this would be too much of a hassle.
   Conserns about file size of the php package.
3) figure out some method to auto download config/install
    No extra filesize for php source. No matinance for php developers.
    Someone needs to build this (semi complex).
    Reliant on other servers being up/ asseable from clients machines (ie have
internet connection from the machinge its being installed from)

4) Try and automate the sliming down of libxml and incorp it in the make dist.
    Still have outta the box but it doesn't live in our cvs.
    Someone needs to build this (relitivly simple).
    Still have the filesize issue.

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