On Thu, 6 Jun 2002, Sebastian Bergmann wrote:

>   A user posted [1] a "benchmark" today in the German PHP Newsgroup [2]
>   stating that Apache 2.0 and PHP (current HEAD) are about 20% slower
>   than Apache 1.3.
>   Are there any official benchmarks out there? I can't quite believe
>   this...

None that I know of.  But I'm not terribly surprised by this... Apache 2.0
itself tends to be a bit faster than 1.3 depending on the configuration,
though the apache2filter for PHP is nowhere near what I would consider
"optimal" use of the capabilities of filters.  Unfortunately, making them
more optimal requires a bit of extra funtionality out of Zend that it
doesn't currently seem to provide.  (Namely, we need to be able to give
Zend's lexer buffers to scan rather than handing it a file descriptor.)
Aaron and I keep meaning to work on a patch for that but haven't gotten a
chance yet.  Not sure how that impacts performance, but it definitely
impacts the capabilities over what they SHOULD be with 2.0.  I'm sure
there's room for optimization in there, too... if someone could do a
profiling run on it (I don't have the best setup for that), I'd be willing
to write some patches to try to optimize the worst offenders.


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