> eg: simple db-based shopping cart web site? use PHP... complex internet
> backing system? use Java. Easy!

Use PHP! Easier.

Look, I've built hideously complex things with PHP - commerce systems that
do stream encryption on a per-field basis, complex interconnected process
stuff, large APIs, everything.

PHP is _already_ serious, it is being used for large, complex applications
with deep APIs.

> Is this all that much of an issue to implement MI, Pub/Pri/Prot
> methods/vars, possibly interfaces? Not to be Java, but to extend PHP...
> all those would help PHP as a *web based language* (hell it would help any
> language IMHO - given that its optional and not enforced). Isnt that the
> long term goal of PHP (or ZE)? To provide a most powerful backend for
> scripting languages, and to provide a RAD tool for creating websites (or
> web based systems) quickly, easily and powerfully? All the above would
> take a step closer to both those goals.

Well said.

I think the core of everyone's argument is that we're not asking for java,
we don't want java. We're asking for some incremental _additions_ to PHP OO
that do not break BC, that will help us work with more advanced PHP OO

That's it. I don't want to see PHP turn into java because I dislike java
intensely. I like the freedom given to me by PHP.

> Unless Im missing the mark - for which I appologise. The PHP Group as a
> whole seems to have mixed feelings on this issue - could there be some
> form of concensus so that I (and many others on this list) can work out if
> the requested extra functionality is either ruled out, in for PHP version
> x, or undecided and under continued debate. I think all sides have made
> their opinions crystal clear.

yes, I think some sort of clear vision of what you guys would like to see
happen over the next year would help us all and likely end this thread.



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