Shane Caraveo wrote:

> Alan Knowles wrote:
>> Im looking at adding threading to php, (for the cgi/cli stuff)..
>> The story so far:
>> I've created an extension which diverts all zend_execute calls into 
>> the extension -> phpthreads_execute.
>> this function is a copy of zend_execute with a few modifications
>> - to copy & restore things like  EG(active_symbol_table);
>> - to malloc lock and unlock the execute loop and release on each opcode.
> Ouch.  While it's an interesting way to deal with the issue, I think 
> this will be way too slow, and maintenance will be hard (keeping up 
> with changes in the real zend_execute, and zend engine in general). 

Plan A was just to get something that worked - even if it was crude and 
nasty... :)
Agreed - there are lots of issues with this method.. timesliceing and 
yeilding if the application is locked most of the time is problematic.

> As in a couple other responses, the way this needs to be implemented 
> has been hashed out, largely based on how the same problem is solved 
> in Perl (there is a remarkable amount of simularity between PHP and 
> Perl at some levels).  If you're interested, lets talk.

- do we have to do it based on perl - their web site is as easy to 
comprehend as the language - I spent 1/2 hour trying to find any source 
code or CVS server and failed :)
ok - hints would be good.. - pythons source for threading has a url...

I'm guessing this generaly means
a) turning on php's tsrm stuff.
b)on the
copy the memory address of the function/class tables between threads. 
(eg. so they share the same data).
malloc lock any changes to the function/class table = eg. the compiler 
do the call_user_func_ex roughly as per before...

c) work out a sharing method for variables...


> Shane

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