> It's not about looking at the perl code, that will tell you nothing 
> unless you know perl internals.  It's about the way the interpreter 
> works, some of the architecture, that is simular to PHP.  In PHP, 
> threads are isolated, kind of like seperate processes, but in threads.

 From my understanding they are 'forced to be isolated' by the TSRM 
stuff.  which looks like it stores globals in something like an 
associated array ( thread id => global c variable - eg. compiler_globals 
etc.), when ZTS is enabled..

> Everything in PHP works that way, so in creating threads for php 
> scripts, you have to have a seperate interpreter.  Then you have to 
> create a "bridge" between the threads for shared variables.  shmop 
> comes close to what is needed, but not close enough.

the real use of the threading I guess is for people who want to write 
tcp servers, or desktop gtk apps.

Thoughts on accessing 'threaded shared vars'
$_THREADVAR['gtktext'] type..

$_THREADVAR['gtktext']->add_text('some data ouput');

this would I guess involve rather heavy changes to the ZE engine to 
recogize an lock/unlock, copy (rather than refcount) etc. variables that 
where threaded..

Threaded objects???
I guess the other consideration is to have thread variable objects..
$threadvar  = new Thread_Var();
$var = $threadvar->get('mywidget');
$var = $threadvar->getArray('key','val');
$threadvar->callMethod('mywidget', 'add_text','something');

obviously copying and accessing these would probably be easier to cope 
with ( without having to modify heavily the zend engine) -  we could do 
'real' copying on the data, rather than refcounting them. and reduce the 

> You're much closer to what needs to happen now.  But you cannot simply 
> point to the memory for another thread.  Doing that will cause 
> problems like you are running into.  You actually have to copy a bunch 
> of stuff so each thread is completely independent.

Do you mean we will have to really physically copy the all theopcode 
data from one thread to another?

> I've worked up some code in TSRM to abstract native thread calls, and 
> have started on an extension, but probably won't have it complete 
> until this weekend some time.  What you've done now is fairly simular, 
> but pthread specific.  Given time, I might have enough done to email a 
> diff containing my work tomorrow night if you want to take a look.

Anything I can do to help - testing, understanding - let me know.
Sounds Great.


> Shane

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