Hi all,

I'm making an effort to clean up the streams code ready for release.
I've already commited some docs to the phpdoc repository that will
aid extension developers use streams.

However, there is more to streams than simple file IO; the new
wrapper system provides a much richer set of operations.  For example,
stat and opendir are routed through the wrapper subsystem, which
means that it is possible for a lot of filesystem functions to
obtain information about remote files.

I've put the infrastructure in place, but now I need your help:
I need people that know the protocols to implement the stat and
readdir functionality for FTP and HTTP.

I'd like to see the remote file stat capability stuff in place
for the 4.3 release: readdir is slightly more involved, so I can
wait for that.

>From the code already written for the ftp wrapper, I can see
how to determine the file size, but I don't know how to determine
things like ctime and file type.
For opendir/readdir, we need to enumerate/list files and folders
in a dir.

Again, we need to determine file size and change time.
This seems quite easy - just do a HEAD request and parse the
relevant headers.
For readdir, I think we might need to implement a very simple
DAV client?  Opinions please!

I'm looking for 2 volunteers, one for FTP and one for HTTP,
to actually write the code - it's not much code to write,
you just need to have a clue about the protocols ! :-)


Wez Furlong
The Brain Room Ltd.

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