A little update on all of this.

I changed the way that the handlers are created in the apache config from

php_value uri_handler /tmp/foo.php
phpUriHandler /tmp/foo.php

and logically separated them from the ini structure.  This eliminates 
some unnecessary work that was being done before and allows for stacked 
handlers more easily.  I have the stacked handler code all working 
correctly, but I'm waiting on approval/disapproval of my zend_stack 
patch I posted earlier before I commit (my changes assume that patch at 
the moment).  A couple new things are supported as well

phpRequire /tmp/bar.php

which effectively 'require's a file before any work is done in a request 
(since scope is shared throughout all stages of the request this is 
available everywhere). And

phpResponseHandler /tmp/foofoo.php

Which is a very experimental AddHandler response-time handler (similair 
to perl PerlHandler)

Both of these are stackable, so you can do

phpRequire /tmp/bar.php
phpRequire /tmp/bar2.php

in the same section and have them both run (same for all the handlers).

I will wait a while to see if the zend_stack changes are accepted, if 
not I will just implement my own stack locally and use that instead.


Edin Kadribasic wrote:

>>Ok, this has all been added to the apache_hooks branch, which is now
>Very nice. IMHO this should be merged into HEAD as soon as PHP_4_3_0 is
>branched off.

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