At 11:00 AM 9/8/2002 +0100, Wez Furlong wrote:

> > 3) will be midi functions,this is a long way off yet so I haven't given
> > it too much thought yet. Also it is likely to be a separate module as it
> > will need to link against a separate library and I can't think of any
> > PHP modules that link against 2 libs.
>I don't think there is a need to make this into two separate extensions
>(it just makes things harder for the end user) - you can link to as many
>libs as you like from your extension.

This isn't quite true. Theoretically you (as the end-user) shouldn't load a 
GPL library with PHP (as that can be looked upon as linking). Only LGPL 
works in such a case.
However, often one can get permission from the author of the GPL library.


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