I thought about reading only *.ini files when directories were specified,
and the main reason I didn't implement that is simply because I thought the
PHP include functionality should behave like Apache's Include directive.
Apache's include doesn't worry about ~ files and .ORIG or .OLD or .bak
files, so why should PHP's?  That said, I am happy to rework the patch to
only include files that end in ".ini" if the group feels this is the
appropriate action of an include statement.  (Personally, I think if a user
puts garbage in a directory, then says include that directory, then c'est la

If the term "include" is not a good keyword, I'm also happy to rework the
patch to use any keyword the group prefers.  "additional_ini" sounds good to
me, and probably doesn't carry the other control-structure baggage.


-----Original Message-----
From: Rasmus Lerdorf [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, September 26, 2002 5:17 AM
To: Zeev Suraski
Cc: David Viner; Php-Dev@lists. php. net
Subject: RE: [PHP-DEV] [PATCH] include statement in php.ini file

I suppose using a PHP keyword like include may lead to a desire for other
PHP keywords, perhaps something like:

additional_ini = /some/dir
additional_ini = /some/file.ini

Not sure why you want to limit it to one.  Also, they can be nested, so in
/some/dir/foo.ini you might have:

additional_ini = /some/dir/my_ext

My only concern about the full directory scanning and reading every file
is that there could be foo.ini~ created by editors or other such junk in
there.  So perhaps only read in .ini files, or maybe use the new glob code
to allow /some/dir/*.ini to specify.  Probably going a bit too far as


On Thu, 26 Sep 2002, Zeev Suraski wrote:

> I'm concerned that adding this directive will make lead to control
> structures requirements.  However, it is quite useful for modular
> deployment;  So, my suggestion is:
> - Don't introduce 'include'
> - Introduce a special 'additional_ini_directory' (name subject to change)
> which will be read after php.ini loads up.  Only one (at most) such
> directory, full path required.
> This gives you (as far as I can tell) the modular deployment features, but
> won't make people beg for 'if'.
> Thoughts?
> Zeev
> At 00:50 26/09/2002, Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:
> >I don't see any obvious problems with this patch except for a couple of
> >extrananeos changes. I was a bit indisposed last week and didn't really
> >follow the discussion leading up to this, but I have read the archive.  I
> >agree that going full out with PHP-parsed .ini files is going too far,
> >being able to do a simple include of individual files or directories of
> >files seems like a useful thing to me when building a modular PHP
> >deployment system.
> >
> >-Rasmus
> >
> >
> >--
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