This code is executed at the time when the php.ini file is parsed.  So this
happens the first time the php engine starts (i.e., for Apache, at the time
of apache parent startup).  The additional_ini capability has the same
security issues that the php.ini file itself has.      So I'm not sure there
are any new security concerns that surface because of this patch.

You mention the ini_set/ini_get functions.  There's also the
"parse_ini_file" extension function
( which allows you
to parse your own ini files at runtime.  I think this function along with
ini_set are sufficient to handle run time ini files.


-----Original Message-----
From: James Moore [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, September 27, 2002 10:32 AM
To: 'Php-Dev@lists. php. net'
Cc: 'David Viner'; 'Rasmus Lerdorf'; 'Edin Kadribasic'
Subject: RE: [PHP-DEV] [PATCH] include statement in php.ini file

In general I agree with this proposal but I have some concerns, as I am
not familiar with the ini code these may be unfounded, introducing it
may well

1) Introduce Security Concerns depending on the time the ini file is
loaded (IF I have safe_mode = on then you include an ini file with
safe_mode = off what happens)

2) If people use this with out understanding when the ini file is
loaded. Php.ini is loaded before script execution/compilation
   this ini file would probably be loaded at compile or runtime so
settings like sort_tags = on and register_globals = on would not make

Therefore, if appropriate (IE my concerns are well founded) I suggest we
add two new ini directives to the php.ini file (allow.runtime.ini.files
(Which defaults to off due to the fact that someone may upgrade to Php
4.3.x or whenever this appears and not update their php.ini file leaving
their system vurlnerable to safe_mode among others being turned off at
runtime). At the same time we add the directive
disallow.directive.overwrite which is given a list of ini directives
which cannot be overwritten by runtime loading).

I realize there is ini_set and ini_get at the moment and these issues
may have already been dealt with, as I said I do not know quite what the
situation is with the ini code as I am unfamilar with it but I feel that
these things need to be thought about before the patch makes it into a
release (or at least rubished enough so that Im sure these concerns are
unfounded :).


- James

> > > I'm not very concerned either way on the .ini extension
> > restriction.
> > > Let's go ahead and commit this with the "include" to
> > "additional_ini" name
> > > change.  Perhaps the commit will stir up more feedback since there
> > has
> > > been so little.
> >
> > Some feedback:
> >
> > +1 for additional_ini=/path/to/new/additional.ini
> > -1 for including whole directories, since I think it has to great a
> > WTF factor.
> Without scanning a directory, you would have to automatically
> edit and insert directives into files in order to add an
> extension automatically. It is so much easier just to drop a
> single ext.ini file in a dedicated ini dir and have it be
> read.  Scanning a file and trying to figure out where to add
> stuff and making sure it isn't already there is a real PITA.
> Like the silly LoadModule stuff that apxs does.  You often
> end up with multiple LoadModule lines for the same module.

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