On Thu, 3 Oct 2002, Marcus Börger wrote:

> At 12:49 03.10.2002, Yasuo Ohgaki wrote:
> >
> >Zeev may forgot some or misunderstood my patches.
> >I have to take a look at SAPI code. IIRC it has been
> >changed a little to work around broken flush.
> >(I remember someone is tweaking output layer wrongly :)
> >
> >Without my patch, implicit flush is __USELESS__ that
> >needs buffers.
> >
> >Okay, what you want to do with implicit_flush?
> >
> >I think it may be okay to enable implicit_flush for
> >CLI? with buffering by default or not?
> I guess we want implicit_flush=On in cli to enable control/test scripts
> on the command line. Suppose the default ini file enables output buffering.
> What would become out of run_tests.php? It would only output after all
> tests have finished. But of cause we want to see every single test result
> directly.
> Another example is XML handling with php from commandline in the way
> Sebastian does. He relies on internal functions using buffering for capturing.
> At last someone could want to use php to transform any texts simply by
> using mbstring or iconv. Then every little output pece must be routed through
> those output handlers.
> But this should not be affected by implicit flush setting.




 Derick Rethans                                   http://derickrethans.nl/ 
 JDI Media Solutions
--------------[ if you hold a unix shell to your ear, do you hear the c? ]-

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