> We should have warned people not to use short tags years ago.
> We can try it from now. Until we get rid of short tag or
> disable it by default, we suggest users to work around
> problem.

I really think that whoever adds XML to their applications, will be
aware of the fact that short open tag can be a troublesome, especially,
if we document this bit quite well. Then, problem disappears.

> echo "<?xml ......?>" works always and authors of portable
> scripts should use it. If there are new processing tags,
> echo "<?new_xml_PI .........?>" instead of adding new PI
> to parser. (We never know if user use custom PI tag or not)

It would be enough to mention this in the docs as a good practice.
Unless, everything becomes XML at some point, taking short tags off
would cause more damage than help.

Maxim Maletsky

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