|What made you decide to go for the OO model of the run-tests 
|script, there 
|does not seem to be any advantage in adding this overhead (imho)?

There is most definitely an advantage. Using the OO model, we
essentially created
A "test engine" which had some default output code (direct to stdout)
and ran all of
The desired tests... It basically runs just like the current
run-tests.php script (maybe
Not as many pretty colors, etc). 

The reason the OO is cool though, is when we want to port that test
script into another
Medium or output it in a different format such as HTML. I just created a
new object which
Extended the base class and overload some of the functions (such as
showstatus() which is 
Called every time a test passes/fails) to generate HTML output instead
of text.. 

It's not done yet, but the plan I have here is to actually abstract
run_tests() a step
Further into run_test() and execute_test(), where execute_test() can be
overloaded by
Another class as well (to change the way a particlar test is executed
seamlessly -- i.e.
Via a HTTP request instead of a CLI command)...

Making sense?


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