Very interesting and another syntax suggestion:

var $variable ( getter, setter[, default] );
i havent't took a look in ther parser scripts yet but this seems easier.

Anyway the problem is that you cannot have a setter without a getter.
What about
var $variable ( [get=getter] [set=setter] [default=value] );
var $variable [= value] ( [get=getter] [set=setter] );

optionally we could have array support like delphi

var $variable[] ( [get=getter] [set=setter] );
where gettter/setter are a functions whos first parameter is the index

value function getVariable(index)
value function setVariable(index, value);


At 02:31 13.11.2002, Alan Knowles wrote:
Thanks to a little chat (and a few beers) with Zak at the conference, I got wondering if this syntax would be a sensible addition...

The principle is to enable rapid prototyping of getter and setter methods.....

class something {
var getBanana setBanana $banana = 12;
var getOrange $orange =1;
function setOrange($value) {
if ($value == $this->banana) {
echo "mmh banana's and oranges are the same";
$t = new something;
echo $t->getBanana();
echo $t->setBanana(3);
echo $t->setOrange(3);

var [getter method] [setter method] $variable .....;

or any other ideas
var (getBanana, setBanana) $banana

function var getBanana, setBanana for $banana = '12'; // nice bit of token recycling.....

var use getBanana and setBanana for $banana = '12';

from a quick play with zend_language_parser.y the additionall code to


would look a bit like this...

| is_reference T_STRING T_VARIABLE '=' static_scalar {
znode tmp;
znode tmpthis;
znode tmpfinalval;

zend_copy_value(tmpthis, 'this', 5);
tmpthis->type = IS_STRING;

zend_do_declare_property(&$3, &$6 TSRMLS_CC);
function.u.opline_num = CG(zend_lineno);
zend_do_begin_function_declaration(&function, &$3, 1, $2.op_type TSRMLS_CC); }

# get the 'this' part..
zend_do_fetch_globals(&tmpthis TSRMLS_CC);
fetch_simple_variable(&tmp, &tmpthis, 1 TSRMLS_CC);

zend_do_fetch_property(&tmpfinalval, &tmp, &$6 TSRMLS_CC);}

zend_do_return(&tmpfinalval, 1 TSRMLS_CC);
zend_do_end_function_declaration(&$1 TSRMLS_CC);


Anyway before I get carried away and actually test this :) - anybody got any thoughts.....


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