the trouble is that you will make pubvar a reserved word, and you force the user to use a fixed standard for set/get -- eg. some users may like get_orange, others may want getOrange....
It also makes the assumtion that the user knows how the syntax works.. - eg. searching the file for getOrange would return nothing...


John Coggeshall wrote:

What about something like this...

Class foo {

var $myfoo; // "Private" variable
pubvar $myfoo2; // "Public" variable


Class bar extends foo {

pubvar $mystuff;


$a = new foo();
echo $a->getmyfoo2();

$b = new bar();

The point here is that pubvar automatically creates get* and set*.. As
far as overloading, etc is concerned, there would be no need to worry
about it -- the point of these functions is not to overload them (they
should simply be used to get and set member variables)...

|-----Original Message-----
|From: Shane Caraveo [mailto:shane@;] |Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2002 10:04 PM
|To: Alan Knowles
|Subject: Re: [PHP-DEV] prototypes for getters and setters.
|Alan Knowles wrote:
|> Shane Caraveo wrote:
|> >>
|> >>
|> >> Anyway before I get carried away and actually test this :) -
|> anybody got
|> >> any thoughts.....
|> >>
|> >> Regards
|> >> Alan
|> >
|> >
|> >
|> >
|> > What's wrong with how overload does this?
|> it has a slight downside in clarity of code - eg. where is that |> method..
|But it (overload) also does not introduce new syntax, requires no |changes to the engine, is genericly overrideable in extensions, etc. |etc. etc.
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