John Coggeshall wrote:

>I am definitely -1 for this idea. XML is a buzzword, it is
>good in some cases
>not so good in others, definitely not a one size fits all
>solution. In PHP's
>case it would add decency on an XML parser, make life of
>developers adding,
>modifying, removing error messages difficult and just like the
>will seriously lag behind the primary (English) localization.

As I mentioned via Shane's comments... XML isn't really the crux of the
matter here, I'm more interested in the concept than implementation. I'm
interested in hearing what libraries and techniques Shane has in mind.

cats or gettext comes to mind.

man catgets
google search: internationalization cats

gettext seems to be ported more (it's on osx by default, cats isn't).

Some defines can be created so that php does not have to be compiled with support for it:

PHP_I18N("Some English Phrase Here")

It can be configurable via (ugh) php.ini, or LANG from the environment.


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