At 00:51 27-11-2002, John Coggeshall wrote:
>Regarding this proposal, what happens if the url being
>redirected to has an error? Or if it's down for some
>reason, how can I still see my errors without bugging
>the sysadmin? Also, will CLI and CGI be affected too?
This is still an issue (infinite loops regarding errors
On the error page)... I am trying to figure out a clean
Way of flagging that errors occuring on the error page
Should not be redirected but rather dumped as normal errors.
I really don't see, why you pursue redirection. First of all,
last time I looked, redirects do not have a referer. So your
statement about being able to track the cause of the error,
assumes that whatever error occurs, the stack which contains
PHP_SELF must still be available and you must append that to
the URI.
Secondly - you cannot get any information about the state of
the error, even if it IS available.
We should really look more closely at what ARE fatal errors and
why it should stop execution.
Redirection is just a hack, which forces behavior on webservers
i.s.o. providing end-users with the methods to handle problems
any way they like.
IMO that is what PHP is about: enabling end-users to accomplish
tasks, not doing it for them and taking away control.
With kind regards,
Melvyn Sopacua
<?php include("not_reflecting_employers_views.txt"); ?>
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