What I'm looking for is that the JVM would not be discarded on a regular basis, but it would remain persistent.
  I do not think that is possible, unless PHP engine itself
  is contained within a single process (and runs multithreaded).
  Which it isn't (under Apache 1.x & , at least).

  You can perhaps try to use it the other way around, have PHP
  run inside a Java VM. You can also try to get the source code
  for the Java extension from the CVS as some patches have
  been submitted recently.

  Ideal solution for Java integration would be to have a single
  JVM running as a separate process, and to have the PHP communicate
  with it using some efficient protocol. This can be done right
  now although I do not think that the current Java extension
  works like this. However...

  I have "heard" (can someone confirm this, please) that ZE2
  handles foreign (i.e. non-PHP) object nicely and that you
  will be able to have classes and objects that feel like
  normal object but would in fact execute outside the engine.

  If the above is correct I would prefer to wait for ZE2 in
  order to integrate my PHP and my Java. On a similar note,
  is someone working on a ZE2-compatible extension at the
  moment? I might be interesting to work on it.

  There is one relevant project, see http://www.vl-srm.net
  (integrates PHP and PHP, not PHP and Java, but the method
  is the same).


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