Database connections (and other resources) are persistent on the
  per-server-process level. What this means that an open connection
  in one server process cannot be reused from within another
  server process.
I see. This is sad news indeed.
  From the web serving point of view it isn't. Since Apache usually
  interfaces to all kinds of modules and programs, the fact that
  processes die naturally from time to time helps remove cumulative

  From the PHP point of view, you can get problems with persistent
  database connections on a very high load site, that's true. But
  that's about the only problem. Sure, you can't build a persistent
  storage of information in the server but that's a minor issue.

> But is this really a closest one can get
with apache? None of the other extension libraries for apache, like nsapi, provides the notion of persistent resources shared among all apache requestst?
  No. The only way to do it is to get away from Apache processes
  and use Apache only as an interface to your single process. This
  is how all Java servlet containers do it. Take a look at Jserv
  (called mod_jk these days).

  I once hacked Jserv to work with my C++ application, that was fun.
  It worked (as a single persistent process) but I have found that
  the speed was about the same as the CGI version of the same
  thing (under moderate usage and working with MySQL) that the
  additional trouble of having a different process that you have
  to start and monitor, plus make sure that you free memory
  correctly and handle multithreading - is simply not worth it.

  (BTW, isn't nsapi the API for the Netscape web server?)


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