Marcus Börger wrote:
> Christoph Grottolo wrote:

>> BTW, I still don't understand why php-cli cannot be called
>> php-cli.exe on win32. Like this, many users would guess how the
>> problem cgi and 4.3.0 can be solved even if they don't read php-dev
>> (or the release notes).
>> Christoph
> Simply because calling the command line interface should be easy - as
> easy as calling awk or perl or whatever. Every server api module like
> cgi must be installed, so the name does not matter there. But having
> long names for command line utils is a bad idea.
> marcus

I understand the reason why cli has to get a short name (the lazyness of
good programmers). What i don't understand is why it has to be called
php.exe. You force each and every user of php-cgi on win32 to change his
webserver configuration when switching to 4.3.0.

Imagine if your favorite bar would rename wodka to gin because the barmen
like wodka over gin and therefore want to give wodka a shorter name. For the
next couple of months they will have to explain to every gin drinker that he
now gets wodka when he orders gin and to every wodka drinker that he has to
order gin when he wants wodka... know what i mean?

How many bug reports do you expect? 100? 500?


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