At 19:28 08.12.2002, Philip Olson wrote:
On Sun, 8 Dec 2002, Marcus [iso-8859-1] Börger wrote:

> At 17:55 08.12.2002, Philip Olson wrote:
> >Wait, so there used to be a php-cli.exe ?  Add
> >that to the history request question :)
> >
> >And so a user tries to install via some install
> >tutorial on, what problems/errors will
> >they see when accessing via the browser?
> There was no spoon :-) ok start again:
From the film "Matrix": "ther is no spoon" :-)))

Not sure what this means.

> There was no cli and only cgi binary called php.exe.
> Then we decided to have a command line executable (abbrevation CLI).
> And the we decided to use 'php.exe' for the new CLI and to avoid confusion
> we chose to rename the CGI binary from 'php.exe'. So now there will be
> some books and other papers and online docs out there which state that
> php.exe has to be installed....In other words there will be users who install
> CLI as CGI what will lead into errors.

Please provide version numbers so it can be documented. Like,
WHEN the changes happened.


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