At 14:02 11.12.2002, Zeev Suraski wrote:
At 14:20 11/12/2002, Shane Caraveo wrote:

  3.) Why this late discussion of the issue? The name of the sapi/cgi
      binary was changed months ago!
I did not choose to raise the issue at this time, but I agree completely with the opinion that it's a bad thing; It is my fault that I haven't raised it a few months ago when I noticed this change, but as you might have noticed, I wasn't involved at php-dev back then. But either way, the fact that it was changed months ago is meaningless. It never made it to a release, and it shouldn't make it to a release, and that's the important thing in my opinion.
I on the other hand do recall complaining about this issue, into the typical php-dev vacume. My strong suggestion at the time was to move things back to one binary, which i still beleive is the best solution, exactly for the ease of use issues that Zeev brings up.
After hashing this a bit on IRC and thinking about it, I tend to think that this is the only solution that makes sense and bug the tiniest amount of people. It may be ugly from a technical standpoint, but frankly, who cares? A dozen or so developers who know and care about what goes on in cgi_main.c. With any other solution, either we screw up the huge CGI community, or we screw up the CLI community (the size of which is subject to debate, but for the sake of the argument, let's assume it's big).

I'm +1 on remerging CLI back into CGI.

This does not work since then you will have pcnt in cgi and such....
Also there are many differences in the source which would require
a hughe amount of if-then-else.

And isn't the fraction having problems with renaming CGI to php-cgi
itself a very small group compared to the overall of user (only on win*)?
And from my guesses in a short time the amount of users working with
CLI will outweigh those heavily. (And as somebody mentioned already
windows users are used to have problems with php until now. Only the
4.3 release will fix some trouble there.)

So i am -1 on renaming CLI
And +1 on keeing CGI as php-cgi and CLI as php


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